Dream it Be it

What We Do

SI Virginia partners with local school districts to provide an annual forum where career women in a variety of fields share their journeys, speaking of successes as well as obstacles faced and overcome. All high school girls are invited to attend the session and to complete an evaulation. Careers covered have included: welder, electrician, building inspector, forester, small business owner, musician, and a variety of careers within the iron mines.

Why It Matters

Soroptimist launched the Dream It, Be It curriculum in 2015. Since then, more than 98,000 girls around the world have participated.

Why We Do It

Far too many girls face barriers on the pathway to achieving their dreams. Obstacles such as poverty, teen dating violence, and teen pregnancy can get in the way of a girl's ability to make her dreams a reality. Dream It, Be It helps girls learn ways to overcome their obstacles, set goals, and head towards success, based on the journeys of women who have gone before.

Topics We Cover

  • Career opportunities

  • Setting and achieving goals

  • Overcoming obstacles to success

  • Moving forward after setbacks or failures

Our Impact

SI Virginia has reached over 60 area girls in the three years since we have implemented our new version of the Dream It Be It program. The evaluations of each session have been overwhelmingly positive, with girls citing the event as a reason for reconsidering or even changing their future plans. A lovely and unexpected side result is that many of our panel members have now joined our club!

Dream it, Be it

Career Support for Girls gives girls the tools they need to achieve their education and career goals, empowering them to break cycles of poverty, violence and abuse.

Past Events